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Print on demand - Booksfactory


Our company is specializing in providing the best short run printing solution for small and medium publishers. Our offer includes different types and sizes of books, vast range of papers and production of exactly required quantities. The most important service provided for our customers is short run printing. Each customer is allowed to choose books with paperback or hardback. It is possible to print from a couple up to a couple of thousands books. Short run printing is a service which has got many advantages. The biggest one is a possbility to order precise number of copies without loosing very high quality of printed materials. The next advantage is a possibility to reprint small or medium amount of books that are already sold. This is called print on demand. In this case you won't throw out or store for a long time books, for which you already paid, ordered in larger litho print runs. You can always order as many copies as you already sold or presume to sell in the nearest future. That is why we love short run printing and print on demand, simply to save your printing costs.

Short run printing

Our specialists use professional equipment, so we are able to realize many types of standard orders. We also do not have problems with realization of untypical orders. Print on demand includes paperback books with the size of A4, A5, A6, B5, S6 it also includes printing hardback books of these sizes. Online ordering system is another advantage of our company. Each customer has got the possibility to calculate price for specified amount of books, with specified size and number of pages just by visiting our on-line calulator. It is possible to send the project on-line thanks to the special web-to-print formula. This benefit makes print on demand very comfortable and fast. Our company offers a very fast, professional and safe door-to-door delivery of products to our customers. It means that every client can order our services, pay for them and receive books without leaving home. Low prices and very helpful customer service make our company a very professional and reliable partner for every publisher. Please note that our printing house offers printing for publishers from most of European countries. Our base of companies is still extending to other countries in Europe. Short and medium runs are very attractive. Each customer is allowed to order even only one book. High quality and low price - this is what makes us special.
